I think I forgot to tell most of you that I chopped all my hair off by mistake in Vietnam. Though some mistakes can cost you a lot, this one ended up putting me back a lucky $2 (and some hair). The Vietnamese hairdresser nodded enthusiastically as Christina repeated, "trim! trim!" and showed her with her hands how far down my hair should reach. The hairdresser seemed to be doing an alright job at first, snip-snipping away. We allowed our attention to lag. Well, mine didnt lag, I kept up a steady babble of `oh my god why am i cutting my hair its going to be too short is it too short should i really cut it are you guys positive it feels like shes cutting a lot off`. But since I do that every time my hair is cut, people tend to block it out. Ha! The Joyce that cried wolf. Suddenly, she began grabbing massive handfuls of the hair on the right side of my head and hacking it off. HACK HACK!!! As the continuous stream of my chatter reached previously unheard decibils, Christina and friends finally decided to see what I was on about and come look at my head (they were sitting on the other side of it). Indeed, I was hairless on the right side, despite Christina stopping her as quick as could be. Alas. So she hacked off half as much on the other side. And I limped out, distraught and lopsided. The story ends on a happy note, however, as Christina fixed it all up so you'd never really know I only have hair on one side of my head.
Except you do, cuz i'm telling you.
1 comment:
I think you look cutie-pie!
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