Today was the last class with 3-4. I baked them peanut butter cookies (a big hit in Japan,
btw) and they devoured them. After that, an unexpected ceremony of sorts took place. Each student stood up at their desk, one by one, and gave me a little speech. They were told to say "whatever the wanted" to me. I got a lot of compliments on my baking skills (this not having been the first time they experienced my cookies) and a lot of this-year-was-really-awesome-thank-yous. But I also got a few surprises. This one kid very seriously told me that I am "really cute". Not even an eyelid flutter accompanied it. I looked at the
sensei but she didn't seem to think it inappropriate so I thanked him graciously. Two kids told me they love me. Thanks again? One kid asked me if we were allowed to date now that he wouldn't be my student anymore. One kid asked if they could have their parties at my house from now on. Then it was
Masaki's turn. Someone kicks him awake, as he is sleeping on his desk. He rubs his eyes, stands up, apologizes for having been naughty all year, then goes back to sleep.
Cuuuuute! Another kid who I'd always taken to be a
jokester without a serious bone in his body turned out to be the class PRES and gave a bit of a lengthy speech (these are in Japanese) wherein he declared something like,
"in life, we will go many places and meet many people. You, too, will move on away from Okinawa and meet many people and have many new experiences. But maybe, someday, we will all meet again." Sniffle sniffle sniffle. This week is full of sniffles.
Then we all had to get together for a group photo (group photos are almost as much of a given as rice in Japan). The
cellphone cameras clicked and dazzled us. And then it was over.... alas, I shall miss my kiddies. We'll see if 2-4 (who I don't really know since I don't teach 2
nd years) can fill their shoes next semester!
sniffsniff, indeed....you know I would have been all tearyeyed! Love, Mum
After just a quick glance, there appears to be almost all boys in that class!?
yeah. my school is 70% boys, because in this society it is more acceptable for boys to not have a plan for their lives and fall through the cracks, and my school is for people falling through the cracks. also, classes numbered `4` of each grade are sports tracks. and usually only boys sign up for these. there are 3 girls in 1-4, no girls in 2-4, and 1 girl in 3-4.
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