Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sandi is Engaged!

It's official peeps! My sister Sandi (the mighty conqueror of natto from the last entry) is engaged to this fellow named Sol. His family's good ol' Friends School folk so you can give him your seal of approval now before you meet him. Even better, we grew up with Sol and his little sister Leah (who was my best friend forever when we were kids) and our parents have known each other since the primordial ooze, so we don't have to worry about any of that meeting the folks crap that most people do. What a relief. I hate strangers and uncomfortable bull-shittery.

Here they are! I hope they don't think I'm babysitting for free for the rest of my life just because Leah offered to. Seriously Leah, what kind of badly thought out offer was THAT? I leave you to your fate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i love you joyce. i'll laugh when you and svea and arnie and leah and daddy and mommy are all fighting over who gets to babysit!