It's come and gone! The famed second Valentine's (boys give to girls this time) of Japan. March 14 was White Day ( to be pronounced "u-
aito day"). It has an English name, despite only existing in Japan. If anyone can tell me the origin of this odd holiday, I would be much obliged. Alternatively, if you can make up a really good story about where White Day might have come from, I will tell this tall-tale to my school. My fellow teachers asked me, of all people, where it comes from. Do I look Japanese? Why am I supposed to know that?
I received 2 packages of Duty Chocolate yesterday for the occasion, at any rate. This is chocolate that your male collueges are required to give you. The third male in the English department is this kind of crazy guy who never knows what day it is.
hey, i think they celebrate white day in korea too. one of my students got this awesome korean candy yesterday and i got to try some. somehow it was cold in the middle. whatever. no one cares about the temperature of my candy, but i thought it was pretty cool.
Hmmmm...u-aita..white day...hmmmm. I can't even make up a good story but you are the creative one, Joyce---bet you can create something swell. And by the way, that album cover ROCKS! Just sorry I'm in the public library and can't play the clip. Love and hugs, Mum
Hmmmm...u-aita..white day...hmmmm. I can't even make up a good story but you are the creative one, Joyce---bet you can create something swell. And by the way, that album cover ROCKS! Just sorry I'm in the public library and can't play the clip. Love and hugs, Mum
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