Wednesday, January 31, 2007


A little bit of everyday life for you again: this is the sunset in my neighborhood of Uchidomari. why do sunsets on islands always seem to be so much more colorful? Though you can't tell, this is right over the ocean. Below is a photo I took of the same spot, several months ago in summer.


Anonymous said...

sunsets are colorfull, if you have planty of dirt (aerosols) from human stuff-burning or volcanoes in the atmosphere. or from water in the air, which is very possible over an tropical sea, where there is a lot of evaporation. maybe thats the clue to this phenomenon.

the color comes from diffraction of light at the nanoscale particles in the atmosphere.

maybe its just because on island the possibilty to see a sunset over the sea is greater.

i will work on that problem

Joyce Chapman, Consultant for Communications & Data Analysis said...

you know i actually was betting with myself that you would be the one to answer that question burki. und es hat mir daran erinnert, dass ich vergessen hab, dir zu schreiben! bis bald!