Okinawa was its own nation (the Ryukyu kingdom) until it was annexed forcibly by Japan due to its convenient geographical location and the fact that Japan was threatened by an independent, prosperous little nation that could be used as a stepping stone to their own islands by their Enemies. Ha! Sounds like someone you know? If you talk to Japanese people, they know ZIP about Okinawa. Well, I take that back. They know that it is a tropical island convenient for Japanese vacationers to reach without a passport. Hawaii.
Japan announced in 1872 that it was unilaterally abolishing the Ryukyu kingdom. Okinawan officials were replaced with mainland Japanese (sometimes through imprisonment of former Okinawan officials) and the Okinawan king was forcibly exiled to Tokyo. The Meiji gov't withheld economic reforms from Okinawa that vastly benefited the rest of Japan. Though taxes were proportionately much higher in Okinawa than in the other Japanese prefectures, Okinawans were not allowed to be represented in the national Diet until 1912. The Japanese undertook assimilation policy in Okinawa: they repressed Oki religion, spiritual healers, and language (at that point, Okinawans were all spoke Ryukyu languages).

After the war, Okinawa was occupied by the US for 27 years. For decades, American military committed crime after crime, rape after rape, murder after murder on Okinawa, and remained untouched by the law; safe behind their barbed wire and walls. I won't go into detail about the Battle of Okinawa or the occupation, but if you want to read about some gross stuff, read about what one imperial power or another has done to Okinawa for hundreds of years.
When they came, Americans picked the land they wanted and brought in their bulldozers. Families were driven out, houses were destroyed, ton upon ton of crushed coral was spread across the ground that had been family farms for centuries (and coral ruins arable land). Asphalt was put on top. Military bases were built. The Okinawan land-owners are paid "rent" every year for their land, but they are not given the choice of whether they want to lease it.

Now Okinawa "belongs" to Japan again. But nothing has changed. Time after time, the mainland breaks promises that have been made, sacrifices Okinawa's well-being for its own interests. Before '72, many Okinawans struggled for reversion to Japan, assuming that US

We can think of Okinawa as Japan's offering to the United States, post WWII. The sacrificial goat.
Okinawan is currently Japan's poorest prefecture. The unemployment rate here is double that of mainland Japan, and many jobs that do exist are service industry. There are more gambling parlors, tourist shops, and restaurants than anyone could ever know what to do with. It's coming time for graduation at Ginowan High, so these things are ever-present in my mind. In the last few months, seniors have become more subdued. They don't play as much, they look tired and serious. Seniors at my school know that childhood is about to be over, and next month, they will be forced into the world of adults. What awaits them there? My kids aren't high achievers. 80% of them already have part-time jobs, most are from poor families. A lot have trouble at home and act it out at school. In the main hallway, we've got this display:
This week is the seniors last week of classes. We're still at 53.1%. What will the remaining 50% of our seniors do? Probably, they will all continue on in their current jobs. They'll be bumped from part-time to full time at the gas station, the grocery store, the cellphone shop. This island could have a better employment rate, could move away from service-industry based jobs if Japan would agree to funnel more money into development and infrastructure. But they won't. Okinawa has presented several plans of economic development that they would like to consider as an alternative to the bases. For example, a free trade zone plan that would make Okinawa a middle man of imports from the rest of the world into Japan. This would create jobs, boost the standard of living, seems like a good plan... but mainland would never allow it. Reading about such a conflict makes you realize that Okinawa would be much better off as an independent nation.
Okinawa is a Japanese colony when you get down to it. Mainland takes, but it doesn't give back as far as I'm concerned. Japan is sucking as much as they can get out of this little island and its people. I wonder what Japan plans to do, once it's finished killing all the coral and paving the beaches with landing pads.
nice post, j. i wrote about this too, actually, way back in october. do you remember? it wasn't so well researched, but reading about it made me think a lot more about the way in which human life seems to become continuously devalued despite our best efforts. im having trouble making sense of these thoughts in my brain, but try reading that post. it wasn't half bad, although it ended with talk of messiahs and aliens. i dont really know why.
oh, Joyce...I am grateful you wrote this, hard as it is to read . I do believe that unless we can look in the eye of suffering, we can never help to lessen it. I think of you as helping make that suffering less, just by listening, being aware, sharing, feeling. Thank you, Joyce, Mum
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