Friday, February 09, 2007

Shout Out to Mom

Once a few months back I gave my mother a complex by mentioning on the blog that she didn't ever call me on the telephone. So now I want to publicly acknowledge her greatness in other areas.

Oh mother!
You are the only one that sends me snail mail.
Rain or shine, holiday or normal day, news or no news to share... I receive at least one letter from my mother every week here in Okinawa. Six months! My friends. Six months, and I don't think a single week has gone by without a letter or postcard from my wondrous mother. Sometimes theyre cards, sometimes postcards or newspaper clippings, often they consist of fliers from the most recent vigil or peace walk she has been on with messages scribbled around the borders to me and some photos. The best part is that they come completely without rhyme or reason. If its my bday, or xmas, I am sure to expect cards and most likely be disappointed by the small number of them that I receive, because most of you are failures at communicating. (Ha just kidding, trying to keep you on your toes. No really, I'm not kidding, how many postcards do you all get from me and never write me back, huh? You're all losers. Except for a few. I'm giving you a shout out but I'm afraid Ill forget someone... off the top of my head, props to Maren, Cheryl, Rosario, Ainsley, Sven, Sandi!) But on an average day, I don't expect to find more than a preposterous amount of kanji-jibber-jabber-junkmail waiting for me when I arrive home from work. This is why it is so fantastic that my mother sends me so much mail. Can she know whether Ive had a crappy day or a good one? No, but with this volume of mail, a good number of her letters arrive purely by chance at the Right Moment. Feeling down? Feet hurt? Kids naughty today at school? It often just so happens that at such moments, there is a letter from mom waiting in my mailbox.

Thanks mom! You da bomb!!!!

1 comment:

jonvon said...

Yes, mom, with that kind of consistency, considering the distance and seeming inconvenience of sending snail mail these days, you truely sound like a great mother.